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Ocean & Mountain Adventures of
RockNatour, Gran Canaria

Rocknatour’s legal terms & conditions page covers all the necessary legal information related to the services and products offered in Gran Canaria.


Rock Natour is a legally constituted active tourism company that complies with all the regulations regarding the Canary Islands community. We are registered in the general register of companies, tourist activities and active tourism register, therefore you can be sure that we comply with quality and sustainability standards.

When contracting an activity with Rock Natour you will agree with each of these clauses for legal purposes. It will be mandatory to read them to make the total payment of the reservation of an activity for which, once the payment has been made, you will be satisfied and affirm that you have read them all.

Requirements and obligations of the participant:

1. The client who is going to make a reservation declares to be of legal age (over 18 years of age) and that he has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services of Rock Natour, stating that he accepts the binding of this agreement and understands and accepts in the conditions announced here in full. In the event that the user is a minor, they must have the authorization of the father, mother or legal representative to be able to contract an activity and be accompanied by a responsible adult.

2. The client will be responsible for assessing at all times their abilities and physical conditions to carry out the activity to which they want to enroll based on the characteristics of the activity itself: level of difficulty, duration, vertigo, ability to function in the natural or aquatic environment… avoiding hindering or putting the rest of the participants at risk as well as the development of the contracted activity.

3. The client admits not having physical problems prior to the activity, not having any type of heart condition or disease, not having taken medications that prevent him from being physically well, nor having consumed drugs or alcohol prior to carrying out the activity. In case the guide detects clear symptoms of drunkenness, the activity will be denied to the client without refund. If you are a woman, you have the obligation to communicate a possible pregnancy before booking.

4. Previous Injuries: Rock Natour is not responsible for injuries prior to the activity of any kind.

5. It must be communicated in advance if any of the participants requires specific medication or presents any health risk that may affect the normal development of the program.

6. Client’s Physical Performance: Abandonment in the middle of the Activity: If the client hires an activity and abandons it halfway due to personal reasons, fears, anxieties, etc. The total or partial amount of the reservation will not be refunded. The guide will ensure that the client stays in a safe place until the end of the activity to return together.

7. The client declares that all the information provided at the time of making the reservation is true, complete, precise and that in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data, the person who makes a reservation authorizes expressly to Rock Natour so that it proceeds to include in a file the personal data that appear in the fields of the form for the adequate provision of its services. In the same way, the communication of data to third parties will be expressly authorized when they are necessary for the adequate provision of the services that are contracted, respecting current legislation at all times.

8. Likewise, Rock Natour is not responsible for the problems that may be generated by the falsification or omission of data when reserving an activity.

9. Prohibition of Sharp or Sharp Objects in the Activity: It is totally prohibited to carry any type of sharp or sharp object during the course of the activities.

10. Lack of Respect: In no case will lack of respect be allowed towards the guide or towards any of the people who are participating in the activity. Likewise, it must show a respectful activity with the environment and the place where the activity takes place.

11. Authority of the Rock Natour guides: The authority of the guides will never be discussed by any of the clients, nor will their ability to make a decision that affects the group be questioned.

12. The client understands and accepts that all activities take place in the middle of nature, a variable and unstable environment in which natural accidents such as rock or tree falls, landslides, sudden changes in water… changes in nature itself, in in which case Rock Natour will never be held responsible for the resulting damages. Likewise, you are informed of the natural risks that adventure sports activities entail and can cause.

13. The client declares that in the event of damage or an accident of a natural nature (rockfalls, etc.) he undertakes not to take legal action against the company, neither him nor his relatives or beneficiaries.


Obligations and rights of the company:

1. Insurance and Accidents: Rock Natour has all its legal records up to date, with its mandatory civil liability and accident insurance in force and registered. And they will be available to customers as long as the conditions detailed here are met.

2. The company always works with all its material in good and adequate condition, being approved to carry out the different activities.

3. The company will take into account the official weather forecast referring to the practice area of ​​the activities with the greatest degree of temporal and geographical detail. In the event of an alert or activation of the prevention plan, precautions will be taken and, if necessary, the practice of activities will be suspended.

4. Rock Natour will never be responsible for any accident nor will it provide its insurance for reasons that are not strictly its responsibility.

5. If the accidents were produced, for example, by:

– Poor condition of the materials, negligence by one of the monitors: YES will be responsible.

– If, on the contrary, the cause is due to climatic reasons, lack of attention from the client, lack of physical fitness of the client, disobedience to the guidelines of the guide, illnesses of the client, etc. will NOT be held responsible.

6. Rock Natour reserves the right to cancel an activity if the minimum set number of participants is not reached, notifying the client 1 day in advance and paying any amount that has been delivered on account without any obligation to compensate the client for it.

7. Rock Natour reserves the right to participate if it is considered that it is not qualified or fails to comply with any of the points described here.


Payment Systems:

When contracting a service with Rock Natour, it can be done by email, by phone at +34644137560 or directly on the web, in the activities calendar section. The payment methods that are accepted will be: bank transfer or bizum. Payment in cash can only be made under direct confirmation with the company.

8. The client authorizes Rock Natour to make use of all the photos or videos that are taken during the activity and may use them in promotional, advertising and marketing campaigns that it deems appropriate, always without revealing any personal identity.

9. Cancellations of Activities: If before carrying out an activity and arriving at the meeting point, the guide or monitor is forced to cancel due to weather conditions or for being able to put the group at risk, in no case will the money be returned. of the reservation, giving options to carry it out on another occasion, postponing the date for a day that both parties agree, or changing the activity if the client is satisfied. Cancellations with prior notice of 3 days to the completion of the activity, the full money will be returned. Cancellations between 3 days and 24 hours before the activity, 50% of the total amount will be refunded. If it is canceled with less than 24 hours, the money will not be refunded. Likewise, reservations that are canceled or postponed will be valid for the current year, not being valid if the year in which the reservation was made ends.

10. Damage or Loss of Client Objects: during the course of the activity and in the event of breakage or damage to the client’s personal objects, such as: mobile phones, glasses, cameras… Rock Natour is NOT responsible.

11. Transportation to Activities: Rock Natour does not have the capacity or authorization to transport clients, if it did, no amount would be charged for it, being a courtesy gesture.

12. Transportation in your Personal Vehicle: In no case Rock Natour will be responsible for an accident before or after the activities in the client’s personal vehicle.

13. Punctuality: Before a set time at a meeting point to carry out an activity, if the client reports a delay of more than 10 minutes, the guide may leave the meeting point and in this case the reservation money will not be returned. , thus losing the right to enjoy it.

14. Information on the Web: All the information that appears on this website, reports, links, etc. is merely for informational purposes. It does not induce any person who has read this information on the website to make the decision to carry out adventure or risk activities or sports. Remember that all these sports must be performed under the supervision of professional experts or people with proven experience.